Good source for learning the 68hc11 and 27c256

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New Member
I need a good info source on programing the 68hc11. I picked up a book by tom fox but it is littel vauge on the programing end.

Also, is there a flash version of the 27c256 or another easy to erase and reprogram version? my experementer bourd uses this EPROM, I would like a quicker way to reprogram it.
Why don't you try MOTOROLAs site. It has extensive documentation on 68HC11 and other similar core microcontrollers.
kinjalgp said:
Why don't you try MOTOROLAs site. It has extensive documentation on 68HC11 and other similar core microcontrollers.

Unless I down loaded the wrong things I realy didn't find any thing detailed in explanation, do you of a specific document that asumes you nothing about this system or assembly language? (like a text book)
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