four layer PCB

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I just know I'm going to get loads of highly technical questions thrown at me for asking this but I'll ask anyway.

I have a project, currently two sided PCB with copper pour on both sides connected to GND, I want to try to minimise EMI / Cross talk, so I was thinking about making it a four layer board, would it make things better or worse? or no different and what is the accepted layer configuration i.e. layer 1 = signal, layer 2 = gnd etc. etc. or is it better layer 1 = mixed tracks, layer 2 = GND, layer 3 Mixed tracks, layer 4 GND

The voltages on the project are 3.8v (nominal 300ma pulse at 2amp), 3.3v 500ma and I have two MCU's running at 8mhz

Finally would having seprate powre and digital ground planes help.

Thanks and dont forget I'm only looking to do this is it can be simply said "do this and it will probably help a lot"

To minimize cross talk, I would make layer 1=signal, layer 2=gnd, layer 3=power, layer 4=signal. If you want to also minimize EMI, go to 5 layers: layer1=gnd, layer 2=signal, layer 3=power, layer 4=signal, layer 5=gnd. Five layers would be very difficult to trouble shoot, I think.
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