New Member
I would like an L.E.D. to flash every couple of seconds
when a sealed gel-cell battery is fully charged, then flash
more frequent as it discharges, to eventually staying on
continuously when it needs to be charged. I understand
I'll have to set the voltage levels with a potentiometer to
"meet my needs". I would also like to incorporate a quick
charge into it. 12V20Ah, and I would use the 12V700ma
wall charger (as the quick charge bypass), and when not
in bypass I would use it to float the battery. How big of a
resistor (value and wattage) would be ideal to reduce the
transformer for float charging? How about a circuit that
oscillates the L.E.D. as the battery goes down? I know, it
may be better to have the L.E.D. light less as the battery
depletes, but I want it to grab someone's (my) attention.
Even if it can't be electronically performed, I s'pose I would
settle for the reverse (fully on at full charge, flashing slower
as discharging and going off when in need of a charge), but
I would much rather go the other way (more attention when
in more dire need). Anyone???
when a sealed gel-cell battery is fully charged, then flash
more frequent as it discharges, to eventually staying on
continuously when it needs to be charged. I understand
I'll have to set the voltage levels with a potentiometer to
"meet my needs". I would also like to incorporate a quick
charge into it. 12V20Ah, and I would use the 12V700ma
wall charger (as the quick charge bypass), and when not
in bypass I would use it to float the battery. How big of a
resistor (value and wattage) would be ideal to reduce the
transformer for float charging? How about a circuit that
oscillates the L.E.D. as the battery goes down? I know, it
may be better to have the L.E.D. light less as the battery
depletes, but I want it to grab someone's (my) attention.
Even if it can't be electronically performed, I s'pose I would
settle for the reverse (fully on at full charge, flashing slower
as discharging and going off when in need of a charge), but
I would much rather go the other way (more attention when
in more dire need). Anyone???