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New Member
Hi everyone

My name is Marcos, I am a completely newby in electronics and it is an area that I deeply respect. Nevertheless I have joined the site because I would like to build a directional yagi antena to be use with my yaesu vr120 in Falconry, the systems available in the market are out of my range and I am confident that I can do it (with a bit of help). I have been googleling but I can not find anything for the type of application I want. I would really apreciate if you could put me in the right direction to do my research, signpost me to web sites or though some tips for me to start with.

All your help will be inmensely appreciated

There is plenty of information on the web for designing yagi antennas.

However, the first and most important thing to know is: what is the frequency of the tracking transmitter?
Without that info, you cannot start on the construction of an antenna.

Thanks Jimm sorry I forgot to put that, I have three possibilities 173, 216 and 473.
I have found some info online, but my ignorance block me to really see if I can just work out the measurements, build it and start walking the country side.

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