Eurobot nostalgia

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I was feeling a bit nostalgic browsing through old photos.. well these ones are from 2007.. not that old. But they are taken at the 2007 Eurobot competition.. we participated three times. Not a great success. Many teams have 10000 EUR budgets.. we had 500 EUR.. University project. The competition is still going strong every year. And everybody is welcome all over the world. The name is just a relic from history. Anybody here who has participated?

Here some photos.
I used to participate in the UK micromouse and minisumo competitions, good fun. If I had more time and was a bit younger, I would probably enter this too

Still doing anything with regard to robotics?
Micromouse is pretty interesting. Those japanese videos on youtube are crazy. I wonder how much they re-use algorithms and how much they invent themselves to beat the opponent. Do you have any good links to algorithms they use to learn the maze etc.

I would love to work in robotics.. There is a small finnish company that does autonomous mining machines. They work in the tunnels collecting all the rocks after a detonations.. I've been looking for a job opportunity there for years They are not hiring unfortunately. All the robotics I do now is my own hobby projects. Unfortunately not much hardware.. mainly programming and simulation. I like geometry and graphics. Here are pictures of some of that work from years back:
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