ETO Most users ever!

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Most Helpful Member
I see the site hit a new high this morning.
Is is because I came back or because school is going again?
Yea its most likely the schools and colleges thing.
I doubt many actually noticed I was gone any way.

Any way, way to go ETO and supporting members!
I guess this means the world thinks we are slightly useful for answering electronics questions.

Sooooo... How long till the counter hits over 2000 viewers at one time?

End of semester when the slackers jump in for help on deciding what to build or when thy realize what they want is way over their heads?
But the American schools are just getting into the levels of actual work now. And you know our present American work ethics and policies.

Why do it yourself if you can find a way to get someone else to do it for you and you can still get full credit for their hard work!
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