Esp8266 - 01 resets, random refusal to connect

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dr pepper

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I've been using one of these on a project, to indicate the levels in 3 bins.
The system works well for a few hours, to a few days, then I get random no connects to the webpage the esp serves, if after a no connect I wait an hour or 2 then try to go the the page again it will randomly work, so I dont think its a software or the more than 5 connection and crash issue caused by the lack of client.close, the fact it will work after a no connect is also puzzling.
I added some code to reconnect if the wifi drops its connection and count how many reconnects, there hasnt been any reconnects, the esp is a fair way from the hub, signal strength is -89 to -91dB.
I have a tant bead cap of 10uF across the boards pins, what size cap do I need, I've been reading stuff that says unless you have a massive caps like 2200uF across the device it will cause random resets (this would cause my code to say 0 reconnects as the counter variable is volatile and resets to zero on boot), maybe I should add a counter for No. of resets.
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