electronic project for final year

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dhinesh kumar

New Member
hi every one this s dhinesh from india i need some marvalous project title to perform and that must be an electronic project.pls help meeeeeeee.............

my email:dhineshece@gmail.com
dhinesh kumar said:
hi every one this s dhinesh from india i need some marvalous project title to perform and that must be an electronic project.pls help meeeeeeee.............

my email:dhineshece@gmail.com
what about a musical fountain , or something like 'roomba' , or else an optical microphone.?
Do you need a complete project or just ideas


Asking for a project without mentioning your skill set makes it hard to understand what you can actually do. Also the cost of the project and turnaround time is important. If you buy complete projects then there are risks of getting screwed up in the campus interview. So speak up loud.



I live in Pakistan, the problem we sometimes face here is in reception of cell phone signals. I think this problem is very common all around in south asia. y dont you go for making a Cellular Repeater.
Its a device which boosts the signal locally in a very specified range and can be used in office and home environments.
The problem you wud be facing is of handling a very high frequency. work out these things and let us know.
best of luck.
- Jawad
dhinesh kumar said:
hi every one this s dhinesh from india i need some marvalous project title to perform and that must be an electronic project.pls help meeeeeeee.............

my email:dhineshece@gmail.com
We don't mind helping you but we won't do all of the work for you. Please post what you've already done including any ideas you've had and we might be able to make some suggestions. If you've got completely no idea then may be it's your lecuturer's fault and it isn't right that you make him/her look good by cheating and copying from the Internet.

Are you having a bad moment?, answering a thread from a year ago?.
Nigel, according to my screen jawadlateef is the one that poked the thread, Hero's responce was two hours after that, the post before both of theirs was March 2006. Seems to be common lately, new users from abroad pokeing old threads. Chalk it up to forum illiteracy =)
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