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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

>>>Electronic dog wistle

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Someone Electro

New Member
I want to build a electronic dog wistle!

I want it simple!

T have the shematic for a modilator but i dont know what walues i need to oscilate at 25-40 kHz

It can be just a oscilator as long as it oscilates at 25-40 kHz.

My first ultrasonic experement was that i inputed 25 kHz to a speacer and opend the window(of course the dogs gone nuts)


  • Multivibrator.gif
    4.3 KB · Views: 374
2 x 1k resistors and a .01 cap will give you 48khz with a 555
1k trim pot, 1k ohm, .01 cap & 555 should cover that range.

Don't know what values you need for the circuit above but you can borrow my resistor wheel and CRO if you want :)
I have a potencimeter but i dont have a variable resistor.

Your in Australia and im in Evrope sending the thru mail can be expesive

I will try whith a potencimeter. and use the smalest cap i can find lets say 3

First i have to get the compnents.I think there in my junk box.

I dont have a 555 ! :cry:

But a got a 5A Power NPN transistor.Perfect for amplafifing!So i can use a big speacer! :twisted: (Its a BUT11AF)
It works but just 2-3 dog got the beep.So i need to amplefy the signal.

Whats about pico-buzzers i have one do they work beter than the speacer(i mean 20 - 30 kHz beeps)
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