Someone Electro
New Member
I want to build a electronic dog wistle!
I want it simple!
T have the shematic for a modilator but i dont know what walues i need to oscilate at 25-40 kHz
It can be just a oscilator as long as it oscilates at 25-40 kHz.
My first ultrasonic experement was that i inputed 25 kHz to a speacer and opend the window(of course the dogs gone nuts)
I want it simple!
T have the shematic for a modilator but i dont know what walues i need to oscilate at 25-40 kHz
It can be just a oscilator as long as it oscilates at 25-40 kHz.
My first ultrasonic experement was that i inputed 25 kHz to a speacer and opend the window(of course the dogs gone nuts)