Electronic developing

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Anyone had an experience of ordering an electronic project from other company? I need to make a electronic device with certain capabilities and I don’t know how. I need a company that can make such device from scratch. Anyone knows?
VIP said:
Anyone had an experience of ordering an electronic project from other company? I need to make a electronic device with certain capabilities and I don’t know how. I need a company that can make such device from scratch. Anyone knows?

Try looking for electronic design consultants or if you are talking about a custom IC, look for custom ASIC design.
Try speaking with professor at a school close to you. I have had sucess when speaking with the professors in my area. I approach them with an idea for a class project. Normally it only costs me the price of the parts.
I need something more serious then school project. I need a product for further manufacturing. I found a few companies on the web, but I'm not sure if they reliable or not.
That question has come up before and few good answers, if any, were posted. I am sure that where you might go has to do with how well far along you are - is it just an idea or ready for manufacturing. Often one of the most important things is money - can you pay for all of the resources, materials, etc. My brother is in the manufacturing business and is often approached to make something. Unless the person or company has a good, established credit rating or is paying up front he can't afford to take up time on the idea.

It is a good question though and there must be companies who provide the necessary service. I've sent some emails to friends in the electronics manufacturing business to see if they have any ideas.
Its only idea, no product yet, and I'm sure that it will go. Otherwise I wouldn’t spend so much time looking for something I don't know what.
Maybe I can help? I do work for such company, and we do product design and even manufacturing. Here is the link you can go to. http://telesys.ru/en/service.php "Telesystems can design your product to your specifications "from the ground up" or any stage from initial concept to finished production prototype" Is that sounds like something you are looking for?
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