electricity generator

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New Member
my project:
when we run on the treadmill or do cycling on a stationary exercise cycle,we are converting potential energy into kinetic energy.the same principle that is used when water is made to fall from a great ht. and then turbines are used to generate electricity.now i want to trap that produced kinetic energy and convert it into a usable form of electricity that can be used to run a few electronic gadgets for starters.then this battery or container where the kinetic energy is stored can be recharged again by cycling or an alternate way by using solar energy.

this is my dream project to create small battery like devices which can supply electricity sufficient enough to run all the gadgets of a room and thus prevent shortage of power supply and keep everyone fit as we have to exercise to charge it.i know the ideas are vague, but if you can provide some ideas which can make this project a reality and suggestions so that i can make a start some where i would be glad.i want to do this project for either my final year b.e. project next semester if the time required is more or as my mini project for my present 3rd year 2nd semester project.please help me out..
As I understand it, a 'normal' very fit person can sustain about 60W or so from an exercise bike.
You might want to study that in Turkey. There are villages out in the country side with no electric power. The minarette of the mosque has three speakers which are used by the muezzin to call people for prayer.

Granny produces electricity pedaling a generator for the amplifier.
I recall reading about a project at a university (MIT maybe) where they wanted to capture power as people walk down a sidewalk.

It would be interesting to do an energy study - comparing the efficiency of the human engine with other methods of generation. One thing to watch out for - the energy value of a calorie is different depending on how you use it. People who do more work need to eat more -more food requires more energy to produce. Is that better than just generating the energy directly? This is not to say your idea is bad - not at all. It's just something to consider.
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