Electrical firework ignition system

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You all have to admit that Electrical ignition is much more reliable than an match or a lighter if done properly. I'd like to add for your advices on how to construct an electrical ignition system that is reliable, safe and have enough power to ignite black powder - 400 degrees centigrade.

It is obvious that a long piece of wire with a big powder source can work for this purpose, but I am looking for an more portable, energy effective and versatile approach that can be triggered by radio, remote or maybe even motion?
I have spent many years a Pirotechnician in the Motion Picture field and this is what I use. I take a standard piece of 2 conductor lamp wire, or extension cord. Remove the insulation and you wil find many, many finer pieces of copper wire within. I use 1 of these fine copper strands as ignition wire. Anything above 6 volts will ignite Gun powder instantly(a 6volt GelCell, or 12 volt car battery works GREAT!...heck, even a 9 volt battery will work, but you will kill it off pretty fast).
You can also wind this wire around standard fuses (such as firework fuses) to ignite them, just be careful to keep the windings seperate, not shorting to each other. You really only need about 4 windings, over a 1/2 in fuse for this to work.
Generally, you want to stay away from remote-control systems unless you REALLY know what you are doing, because accidental triggering from interference is quite common. Most special effects people would rather run thousands feet of wire for ignition, rather than rely on a radio control ignition unit.
Considering a Motion-Controlled detonater is just good,old-fashioned STUPID...and if I have to tell you why....then thats even more stupid.

Coincidentally just last weekend I was on set of a movie to place explosive squibs to simulate gun fire hits on people (Zombies) and in Furniture and walls.....fun ...fun...fun...and blood and guts everywhere!
You really havnt lived until you are standing at a Urinal, and look over at the guy beside you, fully made up as a Zombie with missing, decaying flesh.
PS-I have also designed many, many ignition systems for triggering, including pocket sized units that trigger in sequence, simulating machine gun hits.
If you need info on this...let me know.
Have fun, but be smart and safe
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A motion-activated "fireworks" ignition? Sorry, I don't want to contribute to any violence in SA.

Well the election is coming up here and some criminal rapist and fraudster is gonna be president. By then there won't be violence, they gonna be genocide.

Sure I'd like to know more, knowledge is power.
That's hectic, what do your guys use to make those big explosions?
When I say motion controlled I mean something that has a time delay. Well I know it is stupid coz your can't disarm it. but What i really meant was something like that can sense motion in an 180 FOV not 360 degrees. Maybe with infrared beam?
What about cellphone controlled system, set an special number on vibrate only and rig the vibrator to an amp than an fuse?
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