Edge trigger help

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Well-Known Member
Hi guys,
I have a timer clock byte running and I'd like to execute a function every time bit 4 changes state.
Not while it's a 1 or 0 but when it changes.

Can anyone share a tip as to how to proceed with this in asm?

;  tmrbyte  ____---____-----___   new sample
;  oldbyte  _____---____-----__   state latch
;  changes  ____-__-___-____-__   changes, hi or lo
        movf    tmrbyte,W       ; sample it
        xorwf   oldbyte,W       ; changes, hi or lo
        xorwf   oldbyte,F       ; update state latch (oldbyte = tmrbyte)
        movwf   changes         ; b4 = '1' = a b4 state change
This one uses one less variable (use 'skpz' or 'skpnz' plus 'goto' instruction after the 'andlw' instruction);

;  tmrbyte  ____---____-----___   new sample
;  oldbyte  _____---____-----__   state latch
;  changes  ____-__-___-____-__   changes, hi or lo
        movf    tmrbyte,W       ; sample it
        xorwf   oldbyte,W       ; changes, hi or lo
        xorwf   oldbyte,F       ; update state latch (oldbyte = tmrbyte)
        andlw   b'00010000'     ; Z=0 (change) or Z=1 (no change)
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Thx a heap Mike!!!!

I am just now beginning to appreciate the bitwise capabilities of Xor. I kinda only thought of it as a useful toggle.

Byte A Xor Byte B = Changes/differences Byte (diff. bits set)

Changes BYTE xor BYTE A = BYTE B
Changes BYTE xor BYTE B = BYTE A

Some bit masking and you're set for bitwise ops. Fit it in looping code and u can get changes between iterations. I was using some complicated branching code to do the same thing, about dbl the size of your example.

Hopefully soon I'll be able to read/conceive code and 'see' the actual machine bits 'alter'. Kinda matrix-ish.
Right now, I still have to grab a pencil and work it out just to be sure.
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