Dumpster hog

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I'm currently doing a major house refurbishment and, as I mentioned in another post, one of my angle grinders blew so I have just bought another one. Two grinders are required for stone work, one fitted with a diamond cutter and one fitted with a stone grinder, otherwise you waste a lot of time fumbling about changing disks.

But, whenever you are doing a job nature seem to work against you- not only did the grinder fail but rain had stopped play for about two weeks before that, then I gashed my head on a garage door which swung down in a gust of wind- I thought passers by were giving me funny looks and when I got home, around 8pm, my misus went mad- my face and hair were covered in dried blood.

When I went to Screwfix to get the grinder, it was out of stock so it had to be ordered.

The next day at about 7: 45pm I went back to Screwfix to collect the grinder and afterwards I took a walk around the adjoining industrial estate, which I have done may times before. Would you believe it, in one of the dumsters outside a small plastics factory there was a pallet with a plywood base- exactly what I needed for some shuttering. I hummed and hared, but in the end plucked up courage and put the pallet on the roof rack of my automobile. I didn't hang about to tie the pallet down but drove off very slowly. Would you believe it, around the first corner was a police car coming in the opposite direction. In all the years of going to that industrial estate I had never seen a police car there before.

Anyway, I carried on driving at about 10MPH but the police car turned around and followed me. Then, to my great relief, the police car turned off down another road. Meantime the pallet on the roof rack was sliding backwards towards the boot so I turned of into another industrial estate and parked under a street light.

I was just hitching the last bungey strap to the pallet when the police car showed up again and drove slowly past, but then stopped about 50 yards away. Although I was in a panic, I casually got in the automobile and drove off trying to act as nonchalantly as possible. As I passed the police car I could see that it was not a police car after all, but a security company car. I fully expected it to follow me, but it didn't and I drove home without further incident. Then it started pouring with rain.

The next morning the plywood base on the pallet was bent like a banana- but I didn't care.

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Gotta love a good dumpster dive story!

I got lots of them too!
Be great to hear you Dumster adventures TCM.

The other day the misus and I were walking to town to go for lunch and I spotted a CD player being chucked, so that came to lunch too.

And the day before the pallet adventure I fished a complete ten- way consumer unit out of a skip behind an electrical distributors building on the same industrial estate- will be just the job for the new garage/workshop.

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