I want to run an LED such that it illuminates off a constant 12V supply unless a PWM supply (0-100%, 220Hz) is available. Power consumption is an issue when operating off the 12V supply, I'm trying to achieve this through use of analog components only.
So far I've put together an integrator circuit to turn on a transistor (via a comparator) that feeds the PWM to an LED when the PWM input is present (see below). What I can't work out is how to get the switch-over to 12V when the PWM is absent though! Any ideas please?
Is it as simple as adding in a PNP such that it's turned off if the comparator is detecting a non-zero input?
So far I've put together an integrator circuit to turn on a transistor (via a comparator) that feeds the PWM to an LED when the PWM input is present (see below). What I can't work out is how to get the switch-over to 12V when the PWM is absent though! Any ideas please?
Is it as simple as adding in a PNP such that it's turned off if the comparator is detecting a non-zero input?