Hello all,
I have a fuel pump actuator (driving solenoid) which has an output signal (+) and an return signal (-). I want to wire that solenoid to a Low-Side Driver Module which has pins for BATT, LOW-SIDE, and GND. The example on the manual has a solenoid powering directly from the power supply (same as what powers the Low Side Driver Module) on one lead, and then a connection to the "LOW-SIDE" switch to ground on the other lead. However, my fuel pump actuator does not require a direct connection to the power supply. Any ideas on how to wire it correctly to the module with BATT, LOW-SIDE, and GND? Remember, my solenoid only has +/- connections.
I have a fuel pump actuator (driving solenoid) which has an output signal (+) and an return signal (-). I want to wire that solenoid to a Low-Side Driver Module which has pins for BATT, LOW-SIDE, and GND. The example on the manual has a solenoid powering directly from the power supply (same as what powers the Low Side Driver Module) on one lead, and then a connection to the "LOW-SIDE" switch to ground on the other lead. However, my fuel pump actuator does not require a direct connection to the power supply. Any ideas on how to wire it correctly to the module with BATT, LOW-SIDE, and GND? Remember, my solenoid only has +/- connections.