Does a megaphone IC exists ?

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Well-Known Member
Hi. Looking to make a toy megaphone, powered by 3V. It will be wimpy performing but wondering if there is a single chip solution to build such?
1 Watt is OK. Do you know ?
Not really, a megaphone requires a preamp and a power amplifier, easy to do with a couple of chips - however, there are numerous LM386 circuits put there, which 'may' work for a toy, such as this one:

Main issues are mechanical rather than electrical.
Thank you. The LM386 may not work at 3V; but wishing for a modern equivalent for lower voltage operation... How far from reality is this, to connect a microphone directly and obtain reasonable loudness ? It claims a gain of almost 400... not enough ?

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Only thing to do is try it and see - you don't need as much gain as you might think, as you're basically so close to the microphone. If you need a bit more you could always add a single transistor preamp.
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