Digikey stiffed me

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From the MSDS: **broken link removed**

is this shippable by air?


In contrast: Desitin Diaper cream

Even when presented with the MSDS they still insisted it MUST GO ground.

They were unable to reach me so they shipped a very large order (>$500 USD) ground rather tha 2-day for no good reason.

We need to deal with smarter electronic suppliers in the future. Depending on who who ask there you get a different answer. ALL result in the order has to go ground.

They refunded ground shipping - big deal.

Next time I'll ask for them to ship a copy of the order minus the "diaper cream", 2 day or overnight at their expense with a return label. I would then remove the "diaper cream" from the later arriving order and ship the rest back.

I really wanted vibration/audio transducers to get a handle of the sound that "I hear" that many time occurs during the weekend amoung some other stuff.

The product was Wakefield 126-2
Hey. Digikey satisfactorally unstiffed me by substantially discounting my order. The newer MSDS is harder to read, but shipping falls under UN3077. They are choosing to ship it by ground and it's easy to see why. Bottom line: The item should have been flagged. Zic oxide is dangerous to aquatic life. It requires more effort to ship by air.
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