Difference between crytal and crystal oscillator

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I think crytal is a misspelling - isn't it?
The difference between a crystal and a crystal oszillator is:
In an crystal oscillator are the parts included that are required to generate the oszillation.
Typicly they have 3 or more pins +Vdd, Gnd, Clock out, sometimes a /CE signal.

A crystal is a passive element. Some parts must be conected to it, to make it swing.
The crystal is the device that determines the frequency of the crystal oscillator.

A crystal is basically a hunk of rock with wire leads connected to it. This construction tends to vibrate strongly at a certain frequency than at other frequencies. When it is vibrated slightly with a small electrical signal, it tends to seek its special certain frequency and vibrates at that frequency within a close tolerance. This response then also generates an electrical signal at that certain frequency and that is used to keep the crystal vibrating.

So the crystal itself is just a hunk of rock with wire leads attached, but the circuit used to start the vibrations (plus the crystal itself) make up the crystal oscillator.
Yep, Naked crystals are used for thickness monitoring of depositions. The crystals are typically about 1.5 cm in diameter and has gold plating on both sides, but not to the edge. It's held into a water cooled holder some distance away. By plugging in the density of the material + geometry factor, it can readout in thickness and the rate of deposition. The crystals can be cleaned, etched, redeposited and re-used.
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