Delaying the first digit in a counter circuit

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I'm simulating a counter circuit with a 4510 counter connected to a clock voltage source (square wave). This is then connected to a 7-segment display via a decoder.

It all works, but the transition to the 1 when it is switched on is immediate. I want this to be a second, as it is with all the following digits.

What is the 'usual' way of preventing the clock triggering an immediate transition on switch on? As is done in stopwatches, etc, so each number represents the same time passed.

Thank you
I think I've answered my own question..!

Putting an oscilloscope on the simulation has shown that it is counting the first second in the same time as all the other digits. The simulation must run quicker in the first clock pulses, then slow down - because visually it looks like it moves from 0 to 1 on the 7-segment display much quicker than the other numbers. But the pulses say otherwise
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