this code was taken from nigel's tutorial (lesson 7.5) about RS232.
i'm using 16f84
using 9600 bps, i have read that 1 bit should take 104 uS and half of that 52 uS. i'm confused why 0x0c was used and 0x18 since when we converted these two to dec they give the value of 12 and 24. What's going on?
Start_Delay MOVLW 0x0C
MOVWF Delay_Count
Start_Wait NOP
DECFSZ Delay_Count , f
GOTO Start_Wait
Bit_Delay MOVLW 0x18
MOVWF Delay_Count
Bit_Wait NOP
DECFSZ Delay_Count , f
GOTO Bit_Wait
i'm using 16f84
using 9600 bps, i have read that 1 bit should take 104 uS and half of that 52 uS. i'm confused why 0x0c was used and 0x18 since when we converted these two to dec they give the value of 12 and 24. What's going on?
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