I turned the scope on, it made a buzzing sound, a green line appeared briefly on the screen briefly then it stopped working. I've noticed that the internal fuse has blown, now I'm going to replace all the capacitors on the supply, and check the rectifiers too.
It's a very old scope, it only goes up to 1MHz and it's all discrete componants but no valves so I suppose it can't be that old. One unusual thing is it doesn't have a flyback, instead it has a multiplier made from eight 450V 4.7:mu: f capacitors, is this normal? Should I replace them all to?
Is there anything else I should check?
I'm concerned I may've caused this, when I got the scope out I noticed a piece of dirt had sliped under the screen so I gave it a very gentle tap to dislodge it. There again I didn't hit it very hard and it's definitely been banged around more than that in it's life. Just taking it home in the car would've subjected it to more vibration and it's survevid that.
It's a Gould Advance OS250B.
It's a very old scope, it only goes up to 1MHz and it's all discrete componants but no valves so I suppose it can't be that old. One unusual thing is it doesn't have a flyback, instead it has a multiplier made from eight 450V 4.7:mu: f capacitors, is this normal? Should I replace them all to?
Is there anything else I should check?
I'm concerned I may've caused this, when I got the scope out I noticed a piece of dirt had sliped under the screen so I gave it a very gentle tap to dislodge it. There again I didn't hit it very hard and it's definitely been banged around more than that in it's life. Just taking it home in the car would've subjected it to more vibration and it's survevid that.
It's a Gould Advance OS250B.
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