Davicom DM9051NP


New Member
Hi All,

I am using a Davicom DM9051NP Serial TTL to Ethernet Module TCP/IP UDP Converter IOT RS232 RJ45 SPI Interface for STM32 Microcontroller W5500.

I have two questions:

1. When I connect this to an ethernet port on my computer I see a network interface (say, enp0s25) with a IPV6 address. I know that this board had a webpage from where I can control this device. But I am unable to find the IP address of the board per se. Could you please help me identify how I can access this webpage?

2. I connected a TTL device (from a FTDI cable - USB to TTL) to the TTL end of the DM9051NP and sent AT commands. Even the simple command, "AT", returns with a response of "+AT command error!!!". Is there any particular authentication sequence to set DM9051NP in AT command mode.

I am unable to find any documentation about this board in the internet. Could you please help me resolve the above issues?

Use ip scanner :

But its a subnet (not an expert here) of the router IP, so type "whatismyip" in your borwser to get
WW address. Or https://whatismyipaddress.com/

Regards, Dana.
Could you please help me identify how I can access this webpage?

It must be connected to a router port to get a local subnet IP address via DHCP, or it must be manually configured with a static IP.

To find local addresses, get a copy of NMAP here:

Run a hosts scan with that, it will list all the devices it can find on the local subnet, eg. "inside" your router firewall.

If you run scans with and without the new device connected to the network, you should be able to spot the addition & see its IPV4 address.
Thanks, Dana and rjenkinsgb. The documentation for the program on the DM9051MP board, IPSSP1001, gives all the information: file:///home/sree/Downloads/IPSPP1001%20UART%20to%20Ethernet%20user%20guide.pdf.

I was able to get the board working.

Have a great weekend!
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