Creepy Internet stuff

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I am surprised The AOD fly's first class! I wonder if the people in Hell are aware there TAX is being spent this way? Or maybe the AOD flying first class means your going to the other place? I cant see him with horns splashing out the cash for first class. Maybe thats the answer then, if flying go first class and get sent to the place with Harps and ugly women.
"We don't talk about what happened in that hotel in India."
I can report that nothing interesting happened in that hotel in India.

I was greeted "Good evening Sir, did you have a nice flight" by first the commissionaire on the front door, the receptionist, and the gofer that shows you to your room.
This is about 04:00 having just arrived from Amsterdam, I just want to make some zeds before going back to the airport at 09:00 to carry on my journey to another grubby little town.
Ten days or so later I am back at 15:00 to leave for the airport at 01:00 to return to Amsterdam and Aberdeen.

Repeat this cycle about five time over the next few months.

Do you have a wifi paul then I think you should stop using it much frequently as some real threats have popped out these days about this wireless access points.will discuss about it later!
And about little ghostman:RAT's are widely available this days proved by the fact that even noobs can use them but most of them are detectable by an antivirus if updated regularly.
but the real threat arises when the trojan's sent by them is undetectable.
You won't believe it but recently I experimented with a deadly virus script and saw that it was undetectable by most of the popular antiviruses.
BTW:little ghostman stop using Androrat
You can't stop it. All your private info is a matter of public record, or will be sooner or later.
But the good news is, so is mine. and everyone else's.
You're a needle in a very large pile of needles.
Just be ordinary, unassuming. Then the only threat to you is random identity fraud; nobody escapes the threat of that.
Close but no cigar , I picture snipe and a picture of a woman with big boobs, not even kasperky picks it up. But I have a decent reason to pentest and its only you I have infected outside my own network
nice joke ghostman you infected me!!??
You will have to just take five years of training in programming to hack me and your decent reason to pentest proves that you are a script kiddy who uses androrat.
nice joke ghostman you infected me!!??
You will have to just take five years of training in programming to hack me and your decent reason to pentest proves that you are a script kiddy who uses androrat.
Them is not buttons you wanna go pressing , script kiddy.........................Hmmm, back in my bad old days I would have bitten and shown you how much of a script kiddy I am , but these days I will simply state I have no interest in hacking outside my own network and therefore wouldnt know where to start .

Make sure your network is upto date though
say that you are still a script kiddy that's why you say that.If you really are a good programmer then capture viruses do observation on their cryptology and find out ways to eradicate them rather than just peep into others systems like a peeping tom.
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