Controlling speed of BLDC motor by I2C method.

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Active Member
Hello everyone,

I want to make speed controller BLDC motor using I2C from micro controller using PIC.
please tell how to start programming of it??
using speed controller...

Here is the link of speed controller i have it also contain manual part..!!

**broken link removed**
Are you saying you want to build a copy of the RKI-1350 speed controller or you want to know how to use I2C to talk to an existing RKI-1350 ?
This section from the manual tells you what you need to do. How you do it depends on the compiler and microcontroller.
something like this depending on the I2C lib, language etc.

Hi again,

As i said i want control over BLDC motor by I2C using PIC16F877 please help me with C codes....

Post the code you have written so far and explain to us where you think the problem might be. We can then help you troubleshoot it.
hi Ritesh kakkar ,

I am also got the same BLDC driver from robokits, I trying to control it through pic18f4550 (MIKROC Pro for pic compiler) but not getting success if have any code related to this please help me.

here is my code

void main(){
CMCON = 0b00000111; // Turn off Comparator
ADCON0 = 0;
PORTB = 0;
LATB = 0b00000000;
TRISB = 0; // Configure PORTB as output
I2C1_Init(100000); // initialize I2C communication
I2C1_Start(); // issue I2C start signal
I2C1_Wr(0x30); // send byte (device address + W)
I2C1_Stop(); // issue I2C stop signal
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