controlling fan motors using pic16f84a

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New Member
i am planning to develop a smart using 2 is a motion sensor which will detect human present (or please can anyone suggest a more suitable one) and temperature sensor to detect the temperature of the room..if human is detected, then the fan will turn on and if the room temperature is rising, the fan will rotate planning to control the motor of the fan using pic 16f84a because im actually an IT student and planning to learn the pic programming but at the same time has no knowledge or experience in electronics or developing a circuits. can anyone give advice whether this project is executable or it is just impossible..if yes, can anyone suggest a schematic diagram for the circuit so i can try it out??please..anyone..
thank you so much..but could you or anyone suggest me a schematic diagram for this so i can try it out..or a circuit that similar to my project so that i can do some modification to it??please..because i really2 have little knowledge in electronics..
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