connection of current sources in parallel

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New Member
pls i want want to find out what the problem would be if i connect two current sources of different magnitudes in parallel.
Why would you think there will be problem in the first place? The total current become the vector sum of individual current sources.

You will definitely has problem if you connect them in series.
Whether or not you have a problem depends on your application requirements. For one, if the two current sources are identical in design, parallelling two of them will halve the impedance looking back into the source combination. Is that a problem? That's up to you.
eblc1388 said:
Why would you think there will be problem in the first place? The total current become the vector sum of individual current sources.

You will definitely has problem if you connect them in series.

if we connect ,the minimum of the two will flow in the circuit. the problem is to find the voltage in the drop related with current?

you can't find supplies that are similar enough to do it! NEVER

use diodes to bridge them together at least (if you so very want to). then they will at least not "recharge" eachother.

i am not trying out practically. By simulation methods it can be done.
we can try this circuit in SPICE.
if it can then we can measure the voltage between two current sources in series.
i want to know the relationship between the currents and volltages in between them.
ltspice is good for that, you can graph any equation you want which can be any voltage or current in the circuit.
thanks for ur suggestion.

i m trying out ltspice.its new to that how can we check the equation of the node. also for nmos how can we define width.
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