Okay, so I have a Junebug that's using the ICD to program a target PIC16.
It read and verified it okay after jumping the +5V and U5V pins together, but when I try to program, I get:
PK2Error0024: PICkit 2 was unable to establish a valid VDD on the target (Attempted V - Read V)
Description: PICkit 2 was unable to provide the intended VDD voltage to the target. This is usually caused by a heavy VDD load. Suggested Actions: Power the target board externally, and/or try calibrating the PICkit 2 unit with the PICkit 2 Programmer software.
So I take it my easiest route is supplying +5V directly to VDD.
This is my question: do I leave VDD connected to the Junebug, or do I sever that connection and use ONLY the external power?
i.e. should both my separate 5V source and the Junebug be on VDD at the same time?
What about GND to VSS?
It read and verified it okay after jumping the +5V and U5V pins together, but when I try to program, I get:
PK2Error0024: PICkit 2 was unable to establish a valid VDD on the target (Attempted V - Read V)
Description: PICkit 2 was unable to provide the intended VDD voltage to the target. This is usually caused by a heavy VDD load. Suggested Actions: Power the target board externally, and/or try calibrating the PICkit 2 unit with the PICkit 2 Programmer software.
So I take it my easiest route is supplying +5V directly to VDD.
This is my question: do I leave VDD connected to the Junebug, or do I sever that connection and use ONLY the external power?
i.e. should both my separate 5V source and the Junebug be on VDD at the same time?
What about GND to VSS?