So far I've got a code loaded into the PIC, and would like to test it. I would just like to clarify if my pin connections are alright
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The code, if it is of any use to check if my connections are right..It is quite straight forward
*detects the string "GPGGA" in a serial data @ 4800bps, once it detects, it takes in the next 24 bytes and retransmit it at 2400bps - and does this forever*
Device = 16F877
Xtal = 20
Dim Position[24] As Byte
TRISA = %00000001
Declare Rsin_Pin PORTA.0
Declare Serial_Baud 4800
RSIn Wait ("GPGGA"), Str Position
SerOut PORTA.1, 16780, [Str Position]
GoTo Loop
*I've posted another topic about the code a few days before, thanks guys for helping out*
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The code, if it is of any use to check if my connections are right..It is quite straight forward
*detects the string "GPGGA" in a serial data @ 4800bps, once it detects, it takes in the next 24 bytes and retransmit it at 2400bps - and does this forever*
Device = 16F877
Xtal = 20
Dim Position[24] As Byte
TRISA = %00000001
Declare Rsin_Pin PORTA.0
Declare Serial_Baud 4800
RSIn Wait ("GPGGA"), Str Position
SerOut PORTA.1, 16780, [Str Position]
GoTo Loop
*I've posted another topic about the code a few days before, thanks guys for helping out*
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