Communication with USB & Visual Basic 6

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New Member

i can communication between the parallel port and vb6

put i Try to do communication between the usb port and vb6

i don't can do this and i dont know from where i start

the usb port consist of 4 wire

how use this in I/O data

i need you help
Firstly you need either a chip that has USB built in like an FTDI USB to RS232 or USB to UART bridge type of thing ( probably the easiest method ).... Or you need a micro controller with USB built in.. But that would require learning about the USB specification and the micro controllers USB peripherals.. - Documents has the details about the USB standards...
Personally, I think you should go find a USB to UART chip, designing the USB code or even using some premade code will be time consuming, unless you want to learn USB.
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