code not work

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I have the code below but isn't work
	LIST	p=16F84A		;tell assembler what chip we are using
	include ""		;include the defaults for the chip

count1  equ     0C      	; wait counter ls digit file register C
count2  equ	0D		; wait counter ms digit file register D

	org     0		; origin

	movlw   b'00000000'
	movwf   TRISA           ; set porta as outputs
	movlw   b'00000000'
	movwf   PORTA           ; set porta levels all low	

        bsf	PORTA,0         ; set porta bit 0 high
rot_L	call 	wait		; wait for a bit
	bcf	STATUS,C	; clear carry bit
	rlf	PORTA,F		; rotate left porta, store result porta
	btfss	PORTA,4		; skip next line if top bit set
	goto	rot_L

rot_R	call 	wait		; wait for a bit
	bcf	STATUS,C	; clear carry bit
	rrf	PORTA,F		; rotate right porta, store in porta
	btfss	PORTA,0		; skip next line if bottom bit set
	goto	rot_R
	goto 	rot_L		; do it all again	

	movlw   d'250'	        ; load count1 with decimal 250
	movwf   count1	
d1	movlw   d'100'		; load count2 with decimal 100
	movwf   count2					
d2	decfsz  count2,F	; decrement and skip next line if zero
	goto 	d2		; if not zero		
	decfsz  count1,F	; decrement count1 if count2 is zero
	goto 	d1		; do inside loop again if count2 nz
	retlw 	0
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