cblock variables

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I've noticed that the amount of variables declared under "cblock" has a direct effect on the execution of call procedures within my code. I found that using "ODD" numbers of variables causes the application to literally freeze. If I add one more variable under the "cblock" list, (to now make it an EVEN number of variables) the code executes 100%

Application: Pic 16F628, 4 MHz xtl, MCLR enabled, Brown-out enabled.

Has anybody experienced this type of behavior before?
CBLOCK and CALL are not related so I don't have any idea what is happening in your program. Post your code so we can have a look.

CBlock doesn't really 'allocate' anything (assuming you're talking GPR's?), it merely provides text string substitutions, just as 'equ' does.

As 'phalanx' suggested, post your code - I wonder if you're doing something 'strange' with the 'CBlock' directive?.
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