Case statement

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Well-Known Member
I'd like to evaluate a voltage ladder sampled by an adc to determine a tactile switch press.
Here's what i have:

Select Case tactile  'assign a swich based on the voltage detected.
		Case > 140, < 150 ' need to evaluate an adc range of 140 to 150. 
		swstate.0 = 1  'sw 0 closed
		Case > 130, < 140
		swstate.1 = 1  'sw 1 closed
		Case > 120, < 130
		swstate.2 = 1  'sw 2 closed
		Case > 105, < 115
		swstate.3 = 1  'sw 3 closed
		Case Else

It's not evaluating the ranges properly. In the 1st case, only if the >140 fails does it evaluate the < 150. It's using the parameters as an 'OR" I need an 'AND'.

How can I do this?
If you are using an ADC to evaluate switch presses.... You don't need to worry about two simultaneous presses

I would do it like this
swstate = 0
Select Case tactile  'assign a swich based on the voltage detected.
		Case > 140   ' need to evaluate an adc range of 115 to 150. 
		swstate = 1  'sw 0 closed
		Case > 130, ' no its smaller
		swstate = 2  'sw 1 closed
		Case > 120   'no its still smaller
		swstate = 4  'sw 2 closed
		Case > 115  ' ok now we are done
		swstate  = 8  'sw 3 closed
		Case Else

Cheers for that Eric... I've tested it now
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That ADC value better go through a good debounce routine first!! It's probably going to need a longer delay time to compensate for multiple possible key changes at the same time. With an on/off debounce the only mistake is a misread on on/off, with multiple possible values like this if you catch a bounce transient you could get an entirely wrong set of multiple keys received than was actually hit.
Basic 8 sw parallel debopunce (short & long press) Start & end debouncing.

Now that u mention it:

Proc keydetect()  '16ms or greater is considered debounce time. a person can click and release in about 32 ms. This routine must iterate at least once per 16mS!
'8 channels (bits) @ 1 switch per bit simultaneously processed. Debounced Short press (16 to 512mS) and Long press (>512mS sec)detection
'Both press and release actions are debounced.
'requires a 8mS counter 'dbouncecount', preferably interrupt driven.
'dbkeystate' = closed debounced switches. 'holdkeystate' = closed 'long press' switches. 'keytrans' and 'holdtrans' track the respective switch transitions (both press & release)
'keytrans' and 'holdtrans' (reset every iteration) are useful when ensuring that a single key press is not repetitively detected as a fresh press during its duration (of multiple detection iterations).
Dim temp As Byte
swstate = 0
keytrans = 0
holdtrans = 0  'reset states
Call mapswitches()  'assign switches to swstate bits.
temp = swstate Xor lastkeystate  'check for any changes in sw states.
lastkeystate = swstate  'make old state  = new
If temp <> 0 Then dbouncecount = 0  'reset counter if no switch detected, else permit dbounce count.
If dbouncecount.1 Then  '@ an increment of 1 per 8mS, debounce.1 tests 16ms or greater.
keytrans = lastkeystate Xor dbkeystate  'keytrans bits monitors the switches that have changed state 'short press'  after debounce.
dbkeystate = keytrans Xor dbkeystate  'update debounced byte with current switch (now debounced) states
'evaluate dbouncestate to determine which keys have been released
temp = dbkeystate And holdkeystate
holdtrans = temp Xor holdkeystate  'update long press (hold) transition byte.
keytrans = holdtrans Xor keytrans  'clear matching 'short press'  debounced transitions, a 'long press' key is different to a 'short press' key
holdkeystate = holdtrans Xor holdkeystate  'toggle long press' keystate to on or off based on its old state & new transition.
temp = dbkeystate Xor holdtrans
If temp = 0 Then Goto done
If dbouncecount.6 = 0 Then Goto done  '512msec not elapsed
temp = dbkeystate Xor holdkeystate  'state changes
holdtrans = temp Or holdtrans  'longpress transitions
holdkeystate = temp Xor holdkeystate  'apply changes.
End Proc                                          
Proc mapswitches()  'assign  swstate bits to matching switch inputs. Organises switches  scattered among input port pins or in an analog volt ladder.
	TRISB.3 = 1
	ANSELH.1 = 1
	Adcin 9, tactile  'sample switch resistance ladder V.
	tactile = 145 - tactile
	Select Case tactile  'assign a swich based on the voltage detected.
		Case < 5
		swstate.0 = 1  'sw 0 closed
		Case < 10
		swstate.1 = 1  'sw 1 closed
		Case < 15
		swstate.2 = 1  'sw 2 closed
		Case < 20
		swstate.3 = 1  'sw 3 closed
		Case Else
	TRISB.3 = 0
	ANSELH.1 = 0
End Proc
you can otherwise mention a range of value like this...

 volt2 = ADC_Read(2);   // Get 10-bit results of AD conversion
if(volt2>657&& volt2 < 667)
kp =1;

if(volt2>580 && volt2 < 590)
kp =2;
if(volt2>459 && volt2 < 469)
if(volt2>643 && volt2 < 653)

if(volt2>558 && volt2 < 568)

if(volt2>424 && volt2 < 434)

if(volt2>627 && volt2 < 637)

if(volt2>534 && volt2 < 544)

if(volt2>383 && volt2 <392 )

if(volt2>507 && volt2 < 517)

if(volt2>609 && volt2 < 615)

if(volt2>336 && volt2 < 345)

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