Hi all, i have been banging my head against a wall, and was wondering if any of you could throw a few pointers at me regarding the PIC program for the following i am about to describe:
Basically, the circuit is designed so that the 16F84a PIC discharges a capacitor, then once fully discharged, the PIC should detect a low output indicating the capacitor is recharging. At this point a timer should start, and once charged a comparator should output a signal to trigger the PIC to stop counting and output the time constant on a dual 7 segment display.
I have tried a few different methods to get the desired control and output, unfortunately however, no joy and a large headache.
This is an assignment for a uni course, therefore i do not want the answer just a little nudge in the right direction.
Many thanks in advance.
Basically, the circuit is designed so that the 16F84a PIC discharges a capacitor, then once fully discharged, the PIC should detect a low output indicating the capacitor is recharging. At this point a timer should start, and once charged a comparator should output a signal to trigger the PIC to stop counting and output the time constant on a dual 7 segment display.
I have tried a few different methods to get the desired control and output, unfortunately however, no joy and a large headache.
This is an assignment for a uni course, therefore i do not want the answer just a little nudge in the right direction.
Many thanks in advance.