hi i'm having troubles generating 4Mhz frequency for my PIC16F84A.
I'm using an XTAL crystal oscillator 4Mhz connected to pin 16 together with two 22pf capacitors connected to the each legs of the crystal oscillator
Pin 15 is also connected to pin 16 and to one of the capacitors.
both capacitors are grounded. I'm implementing it on breadboard.
I cannot seem to get the intended frequency. what is wrong??
should i mention anything regarding the xtal crystal osc in my program??
my program is intended initially for pic16f84 but it assembles okay for this pic. help me plss......how can i make my crystal osc function??
I'm using an XTAL crystal oscillator 4Mhz connected to pin 16 together with two 22pf capacitors connected to the each legs of the crystal oscillator
Pin 15 is also connected to pin 16 and to one of the capacitors.
both capacitors are grounded. I'm implementing it on breadboard.
I cannot seem to get the intended frequency. what is wrong??
should i mention anything regarding the xtal crystal osc in my program??
my program is intended initially for pic16f84 but it assembles okay for this pic. help me plss......how can i make my crystal osc function??