can some 1 get me the code for this please ..really need it

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New Member
This program is designed to help you understand keypad programming using T89C51AC2
; Your task is to write a subroutine for the public section of the keypad library and insert the 16 scan codes.
; Part A Use your keypad to work out the 16 scan codes and insert them in the SCode ROM table below in binary.
; Part B Write the decode routine that converts a keypad scan code into its table offset value. This is done
; by searching for the matching scan code in the SCode array. The routine returns this index in ACC
; Test you program in the LCD-KeyPad simulator for a number of different scan code values

dseg At 21h
stack: ds 1 ; reserve stack space

mov sp,#stack ; Set up stack area
acall process ; display any key pressed - ACC holds the result
sjmp M1 ; do it all again


mov a,#10111101b ; TEST value - *** change this for testing ***
acall decode ; Decode key

; Key Pad Subroutine Library for EMU750
;LCD Constants
ALL_ON equ 0F0h ; turns on all rows, also iused to compare
ROW0 equ 0FEh ; used to initialize first row
ROW4 equ 0EFh ; used to check for last row
CODE_CNT equ 16 ; number of scan codes

KP_PORT equ P0 ;port 0 8 bits

; Public Subroutines - called from main section of code

; *** leave this area empty

; Private Subroutines - Not used in an application

;TASK: Converts a keypad scan code into an array index value between 0 and 15
;@param: ACC - has the scan code to be converted
;@return: ACC - holds the array index related to the scan code

; Your code here - You must preserve all registers used except ACC


; *** SAMPLE Scan Codes ONLY - Change these k-pad scan codes to the correct ones

SCode: db 11101011b, 01110111b, 01111011b, 01111101b
db 10110111b, 10111011b, 10111101b, 11010111b
db 11011011b, 11011101b, 01111110b, 10111110b
db 11011110b, 11101110b, 11100111b, 11101101b
; db 11111111b


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