CAN Clock Divider not doing anything on CANbus module

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I've been using a dsPIC33CH128MP506 to do some CANbus communication.

It is capable of CAN-FD, and there are two separate baud rate dividers for the nominal baud rate and the data baud rate. They are:-
BRP (Baud Rate Prescaler) within C1NBTCFGH (CAN Nominal Bit Time Configuration Register High)
BRP (Baud Rate Prescaler) within C1DBTCFGH (CAN Data Bit Time Configuration Register High)
Both of these have a range of 1 - 256.

There is also CANCLKDIV (CAN Clock Divider Select bits) within CANCLKCON (CAN Clock Control Register) which has a range of 1 - 128.

As far as I can tell, CANCLKDIV does nothing at all. I've only been using normal CAN, not CAN-FD, and the BRP within C1NBTCFGH does what I would expect it to do.

It took me a bit of time to work out what was going on, as the baud rate was far too high.

The microcontrollers are developed from a mix previous designs. The processor is a 16-bit one, but the CAN module has what are in effect 32 bit registers, with pairs of 16 bit registers ending "H" and "L". I suspect that some parts of some registers have ended up unused, but that's not been documented.

I am wondering if anyone has seen anything like that, or have I missed something?
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