BUZ11 questions

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New Member

Never used mosfet in my life, so here goes

is there any reason to use a mosfet over a transistor?? From what i read the benifit is faster switching.

I was planning on using a BUZ11 for a set of led lights.
The total draw is 24v @ 4a, looking at the datsheet it can take 30+amps so i should be ok there

Another question is can this mosfet be driven directly from a pic output, from my reading it seems that Mosfets can work even if not fully open, will the 5v logic allow it to fully open???
BUZ11 is fine though you don't need a 30amp mosfet to switch a 4amp load.

I think it will be fine with a PIC but, you will need a resistor to keep your PIC from being damaged from high current going through the gate of the mosfet. Also maybe a diode to keep 24volts from going into the PIC if the mosfet transistor shorts.

Yes mosfets have a faster turn on/off time, and they also have a lower drain-source resistance when in the on state compared to BJTs.
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The data sheet....Gate turn on voltage could be as low as 2.1 or as high as 4 volts (typical 3 volts). But that is under one condition. Under high current you really nead more than 4 volts. If you build only one and use it at room temperature then it should work. I would never do this in production. Look at 'logic level MOSFETs'. They turn on at lower voltages. What supply for the PIC 5V??? not 3.3!
Yeah im using 5v supply to the PIC, i have since found a IRL520 which is a logic level mosfet. Will get a couple and see if i can make them work.
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