Building an AVR Development Board-A few questions.

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lord loh.

I am building a general purpose development board for the AVR. It is a bit like the breadboard, but with hardwird VCC, Gnd etc and a mounted dip switch, LEDs and a few microswitches (push buttons).

I would like to add RS232 interface using MAX232 and also a circuit for driving stepper motors. I did start with Nigel's Tutorials - Hardware section.

The blocks that I find are...

1. The MAX232 circuit has 2Tx buffers and 2Rx buffers. The RS232 interface uses just 1 of each. At, these guys have put 2 RS232 interface. Is that all that is needed? Is the MAX 232 designed with 2 RS232 (DB9 subset) interface in mind. Are there other ways of using the MAX232?

2. Can a stepper motor driver circuit be implemented using the L293D dual half H-Bridge ICs? Can such a circuit drive any stepper motor?

The extra two are intended for handshake lines, but it's perfectly OK to use them for another serial port.

2. Can a stepper motor driver circuit be implemented using the L293D dual half H-Bridge ICs? Can such a circuit drive any stepper motor?

You don't need H-bridges for uni-polar motors (the most common type), just simple transistor drivers.
lord loh. said:
2. Can a stepper motor driver circuit be implemented using the L293D dual half H-Bridge ICs? Can such a circuit drive any stepper motor?

If you build up a bipolar stepper motor driver, it'll be able to drive both common types of steppers (unipolars either get half a winding disconnected, or both windings used in series). There will be some uncommon types (5 phase, etc) that won't be usable.

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