Build Circuit Using PIC Microcontroller

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Then why not start with something simple. Flashing an LED is a good choice. Then interfacing a keypad, that sort of thing.
Pick a language either asm, C or BASIC.
One cheap & cheerful (free for 30 uses) is the Oshonsoft PIC simulator. It's got a user friendly interface and you can connect virtual LEDs, switches and other useful things and watch your virtual program run on them.
Of course MPLAB is a free tool with an excellent simulator built in. Although not as graphic as the Oshonsoft simulator it's not time or use limited.
Interfacing a microphone to a microcontroller is way over your head.
1. You don’t reply to my simple suggestion to use the accompanying circuit.
2. You don’t ask for the code.
3. How are you going to program a microcontroller?
4. How are you going to write code?
It is very difficult to raise 1.5v to 3v with "a component."
There are a number of ways to increase 1.5v to 3v and the best is via a "flyback circuit" using an inductor. This allows a voltage as low as 0.9v to provide the 3v output.
What more do you need to know?
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