using the falcon kits DCL-05 and -06 kits which are data pattern generator kits, a data pattern input of 01011100 was encoded in the bipolar encoding scheme and the output waveform produced as attached.
However, when I researched, I learnt that bipolar encoding like AMI is a consecutive alternation of pulses between Vcc and -Vcc for Logic 1s...
Why am i getting the output as attached? Is it because there are other variations in bipolar encoding ? (apart from B3ZS and HDB3)
if it helps...
When I encoded the data to unipolar format, I got an output waveform of exactly the same as shown in the oscilloscope except that the amplitude of the encoded waveform was equal to the amplitude of the input waveform and not double it.(as in bipolar)
However, when I researched, I learnt that bipolar encoding like AMI is a consecutive alternation of pulses between Vcc and -Vcc for Logic 1s...
Why am i getting the output as attached? Is it because there are other variations in bipolar encoding ? (apart from B3ZS and HDB3)
if it helps...
When I encoded the data to unipolar format, I got an output waveform of exactly the same as shown in the oscilloscope except that the amplitude of the encoded waveform was equal to the amplitude of the input waveform and not double it.(as in bipolar)