Hi there..I am not sure about the exact english word (I think it is bipolar) but i am searching for a simple-cheap adc that accepts input in the range of -5V to +5V...
I had used adc0804 before but i am not sure if it can convert negative input. In the datasheet there is an interface for -5V to +5V signals but they are using a Beckman Instruments #694-3-R10K resistor array, but i dont understand how it works. I 'd appreciate it if somenone could enlighten me on adc0804's ability of accepting negative input, or maybe suggest me another adc. A complementary dac (bipolar again) i could use in conjuction with the adc, would be fine...
Thanx in advance.....
I had used adc0804 before but i am not sure if it can convert negative input. In the datasheet there is an interface for -5V to +5V signals but they are using a Beckman Instruments #694-3-R10K resistor array, but i dont understand how it works. I 'd appreciate it if somenone could enlighten me on adc0804's ability of accepting negative input, or maybe suggest me another adc. A complementary dac (bipolar again) i could use in conjuction with the adc, would be fine...
Thanx in advance.....