bigenner with electronics

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New Member
hi people
i want anybody to tell me the circuit of a FM radio with its complete explanation as I am bigenner with electronics and I can't imagine how a set of resistors, capacitors and transistors can emmit SOUND !!!
please help
thank you
You need to know how a speaker works, how an audio amplifier works, how a radio works, how a radio transmitter works, how a preamplifier works and how a microphone works.
GUESS how they all work! I am not a teacher.
GUESS how a TV works too. It shows MOVIES!
In simple terms a microphone converts sound waves(speach and music) to alternating current that is fed to the transmitter. The transmitter and the antenna generate electrmagnetic waves that travel thru space. The FM receiver picks up theses waves amplifies them and converts them to lower
frequency alternating current waves. The speaker or headphones converts the alternating current waves to sound waves. This works for both the AM and the FM radios.
There are a number of AM, FM and AM/FM radio kits that are available. Ocean State Electronics is one of them. Some are constructed from discrete components - or if ICs are used the various functions are still quite separate. For all of the kits I intend to describe they are design,laid-out and constructed in order to help one understand how the radio works. They are relatively inexpensive - less than $20 US.
hi people,
I can't imagine how a set of resistors, capacitors, and transistors can get rocket to the Moon and other planets. I require explanation of theories on trajectory, spherical planar velocity, and gravitational sling. Please to help me, thank you.
Who can prove that the Americans went to the moon? They just made a phoney movie about it, staged in northern Canada. Their "Mars Rovers" are there now.
Ok then, I can't imagine how a set of resistors, capacitors, and transistors can make movie for moon landing conspiracy. Please to tell me if it possible to do. I saw the movie 2001 A Space Oddessy and also can't imagine how monkeys discover to use bones as clubs as they graduate to humans in spaceship. Please explain subject of suspended deep sleep for space travel. Does it use a set of resistors, capacitors, and transistors too?
Building a simple cheap and crappy FM radio is easy but actually understanding how it works isn't. You need to learn to crawl before you can run.

How much do you know?

Start by experimenting with simple componant like bulbs buzzers and switches, then include relays and then transistors and capacitors.
bananasiong said:
LOL... tease..
Anyone can tell me how to make a baby?
a baby what? Elephant? That would be quite the sight... you and Dumbo going at it!

Another beginner-hating post from the man.

Did you just post that to show off the big words you learned in college?

Hate to nag you so much but every post I open you're giving someone a hard time.
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