Beware the next LG project!

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Well-Known Member
LG excitedly showed me a link to a video, he has some mad capped scheme for the next project. Ok i admit that i dont understand a word of what he was saying. But i thought i would warn those that help him, now would be a good time to loose internet connections lol. He mainly wants help with math's on this one, if i can find the book mark again i will post the video he showed me.
At least he found the website (actually i found it again) he has been looking for! For anyone interested its called signal path, looks very good.
Sorry for all the posting's, i am waiting for work to arrive that should of been here monday
there are 2 projects on there he is interested in, i wont spoil it and say which. whats impressed me is his idea's are based on two projects there, but he has come up with his own twist. actually on one he nicked a suggestion i made on here in a post. But he went away and thinks he has a solution. On the other he thinks he can improve it many many times, but i will let him tell later. I am picking him up early from school today (lunchtime).
I like that kid and enjoy his post. Something he displays is a tremendous amount of enthusiasm. No problem with him sharing his interest, the kid just bubbles. That enthusiam should do well by him in life regardless of chosen career.

LG is pleasure to have around. Very bright and looks normal too

It's like a Dude destined to be a champ with the chicks and a champ with everything Electronics related
Priorities, priorities for him come first. Study, study and study more for now....

Chicks come later. When the Money rolls in after all the hard work bashing the books . And he is flying

I see nothing but success for LG. All he has to do now is keep his head down and bit to the wheel.

I like that kid and enjoy his post. Something he displays is a tremendous amount of enthusiasm. No problem with him sharing his interest, the kid just bubbles. That enthusiam should do well by him in life regardless of chosen career.

Same feeling here as well!

I am rather hoping my daughter shows similar attitude and enthusiasm for something that serves a purpose some day!

Good lord knows her mother doesn't show much aptitude for anything but whining complaining and self justification of why she shouldn't have to learn or do new anything.
Sounds like my soon to be X wife.
lol yeah he is a great kid. He works hard at everything, Up to the age of 10 he was considered educationally subnormal, 3 years later he is in the tops sets for everything at school. All done with hard work, he has a form of Autism, but he dosnt let it stand in his way.
I was mildly dyslexic at that age. I never let it stand in my way either.

In fact I pushed myself to learn to do complex applied math in my head just to overcome it.

Still can't read sheet music to save my life though.
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