BCD to Binary.

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Hi all,

In assembler (PIC) how do I convert BCD to Binary... Plenty of sites show the reverse. I want to convert and eight digit BCD number to its binary equivalent...

Exactly what do you mean by BCD and binary? - what are you starting with and what do you want to end with.
If you're talking about a packed BCD byte which is "tens" * 16 + "ones" then you just need to convert it to "tens" * 10 + "ones", perhaps something like this;

Regards, Mike

        movwf   Test            ; save Test value                 |B0
        swapf   Test,W          ; swap nybbles (into W)           |B0
        andlw   h'0F'           ; mask swapped tens digit         |B0
        movwf   Temp            ; put it in a work file           |B0
        addwf   Temp,W          ;  W = 2 * tens                   |B0
        addwf   Temp,F          ;  F = 3 * tens (C = 0)           |B0
        rlf     Temp,W          ;  W = 6 * tens                   |B0
        subwf   Test,W          ; 16 * tens + ones - 6 * tens     |B0
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Hi Mike, Nigel

Yes its a packed byte that is... each nibble represents a power. eg 12312312 would be... 0001 0010 0011 0001 0010 0011 0001 0010. So in this case and what I am looking for is a 32 bit BCD number. Four bytes each with two nibbles each nibble representing one digit. The binary equivalent is "101110111101111011111000"

Mike how would you expand this to a 32bit conversion?

Thanks, Simon
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