BCD Subtract Code Help

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I'm reading time from DS1307 in 24Hours mode.I have a trim value ranging from 1---59 Seconds.
What I want is to subtract the Trim value from current time variables & save it to S_Hours,S_Minutes,S_Seconds registers.

Ex: Time is = 13.59.00
Trim Val = 5
Output = 13.58.55

I did a code but it seems that my code is too long.I need to compact my code little abit.

Current Time = Hours,Minutes,Seconds
Trim_Val = 0,1...59 (seconds)
must return the following
S_Hours,S_Minutes,S_Seconds = Current Time - Trim_Val

Save_Sec_uP        call        I2C_Read_Time    ;read DS1307
                movf        Minutes,W
                btfss        STATUS,Z
                goto        Save_Trim_H_M
                call        Dec_Hours
                call        B2_BCD
                movwf        S_Hours
                movlw        .59
                call        B2_BCD
                movwf        S_Minutes
                goto        Save_Trim_Secs
Save_Trim_H_M    movf        Hours,W
                movwf        S_Hours
                movf        Minutes,W
                call        BCD_To_Binary
                movwf        S_Minutes
                decf        S_Minutes,W
                call        B2_BCD
                movwf        S_Minutes
Save_Trim_Secs    movf        Trim_Val,W
                andlw        b'00111111'
                sublw        .60
                call        B2_BCD
                movwf        S_Seconds
                call        I2C_Write_Trim    ; save check time
Dec_Hours        movf        Hours,W
                btfss        STATUS,Z
                goto        $+3
                movlw        .23                ;23.00
                movf        Hours,W
                andlw        b'00111111'
                call        BCD_To_Binary
                movwf        S_Hours
                decf        S_Hours,W
What you have done looks reasonable. You can do subtraction directly in BCD, but it's messy and I doubt that it would be any shorter than what you have.
Hi, Yes you are correct I need a subtraction direct on BCD instead of using B2_BCD and BCD_To_Binary subroutines
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