Battern the hatches JIM (again)

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Hi all, i use mobile phone tethering broad band, so if I go offline for a couple of days its the mast!!

Jim batten the hatches looks like another large storm heading our way! Storm Frank took a large number of trees out in our wood, this new storm coming our way looks really nasty! Those who know where I live, you cant see it well from google but we are on top off a hill! Gonna get windy The house is well built and solid stone, small heavy roof slates.

80mph forecast and we already on the letter G for names!! will be into storm Zeberdie by spring lol
Stay safe LG! Take good care of yourself and your family

Hope to hear back from you after the storm.

we are fine, its taken a lot of the trees down in the wood. But I have an excuse to sort out my lab now, although I wont be risking a trip to the bin!! Best those bits go in a 'might useful one day' box!
A variable day here in Aberdeenshire, sun, rain and wind in varying quantities throughout the day.

The low point of my day was having to change a wheel on my car in the supermarket car park. Luckily this was in a period of sun and not too much wind.
The next problem is that the tyre may be scrap as I think I may have been running it flat for a couple of miles.

SUN!!!! We havnt seen anything resembling that for ages!! It would not surprise me if Newton Stewart flooded again. Our stream eventually feeds into the river, so if we see the stream flowing hard we know a day or so ahead of them flooding. At the moment our stream is pretty wild. alot of wind damage around here, but the house is built for it.
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