Balcar Monobloc Flash Head

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New Member
So I have a french Balcar monobloc 350 Joules flash/strobe head and I've owned it for 25 years.
It's been great. Changed the flash tube once in all that time.

So yesterday I instal a 120v modelling bulb and of course this unit is UK and is 240 volt and the unit makes a loud pop.
Louder than what I would expect a fuse to make. So I have plenty of fuses and change it a few times but the unit is dead.
No sign of life. So I think maybe there is another fuse inside (desperation? Yes) Of course there is not and there is no black
burn or signs of any explosion. So as Balcar no longer exist I'm thinking do I just bin this now? Was that it? Did I just kill my
my faithful mono bloc for 25 years by putting in the wrong bulb. Is this beautiful box of wizardry caput?! Can anyone out there help or know of anyone who is a flash light genius/superhero? Many thanks. Filks.
Thank you dr pepper, much appreciated, I will take a look this evening to see if I can locate something that looks like this and get back to you.
Be VERY careful when you open the unit up as it is possible that the main storage capacitors are still partly charged. They could hold enough charge to kill you. I suggest using two mains voltage old fashioned filament lamps (Of the same wattage rating.) connected in series to discharge the capacitors. (any wattage rating will do. (Say between 15 and 150 watts rating.) I did think about replying and asking you to take some pictures of the inside of the unit to get a feeling of what might be common to the flash part and modelling lamp part but decided it was too dangerous. If you decide to open the unit and do not know how to discharge the main capacitors ask us for advice on how to do it.

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