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I was lucky enough to get to play with one the other day. Wow. i love it! The only two things i don't like about them is that the keyboard is REALLY hard to type with, and the machine its self is kinda slow (programs lag, etc)

otherwise, the are pretty awesome!
i was wondering when they were going to get away from the hard disk and go to flash memory. if it wasnt for the bloated windows software you could probably get by. i'm sure thats why they went with linux.
It's not a question of the OS, it's a question of the applications - and like it or not, the applications most people want run under Windows.
Nigel Goodwin said:
It's not a question of the OS, it's a question of the applications - and like it or not, the applications most people want run under Windows.

But there is a problem with that statement. Geeks (ie the intelligent ones) don't make up "most people." We are the minority that know what is crap (windoz), and what is gold (Linux)
I find it funny that most people encouraging linux usage are usually using a windoze pooter. lawlz.
Only boot my windoz partition when i want to game. If i want to check my email, come on this forum, program, web surf, etc, i use LINUX.
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