I have an electric go kart. The controller has huge capacitors that have really high in-rush. My batteries can handle it but I'd still rather have a precharge circuit with a resistor to reduce the current. But I'd like to have it automated, so I turn the key, the precharge circuit comes on, when it's reached equilibrium it switches over to main power via some relays I guess. As an electrician I'm familiar with relays and a number of other controller elements. I also have an Arduino, but my battery voltage system is 54, much too high for an Arduino. What I would need is something that can essentially measure the voltage across the precharge resistor and once it levels off (the capacitors are charged) it triggers a relay to turn on the main power. I understand the physics, but I'm not sure if there's a simple/easy way to do it. Any ideas?
EDIT: I have 2 switches on it, perhaps the best option is just a resistor that activates on the first switch, and then that becomes my precharge sequence. Activate first switch, finish getting go kart ready, activate secondary switch, off I go. That would be, by far, the easiest, quickest, and cheapest option. But I'd still like to know if there's a reasonable way to do the precharge circuit though. Could be a fun little addition.
EDIT: I have 2 switches on it, perhaps the best option is just a resistor that activates on the first switch, and then that becomes my precharge sequence. Activate first switch, finish getting go kart ready, activate secondary switch, off I go. That would be, by far, the easiest, quickest, and cheapest option. But I'd still like to know if there's a reasonable way to do the precharge circuit though. Could be a fun little addition.
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